
Short Description:
Melunak is a light hardwood with a density of 530–755 kg per cubic metre (air dry). Sapwood is yellow or light straw coloured and is sharply defined from the heartwood which is brown with a red or pink tinge or red-brown.
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Melunak is a light hardwood with a density of 530–755 kg per cubic metre (air dry). Sapwood is yellow or light straw coloured and is sharply defined from the heartwood which is brown with a red or pink tinge or red-brown.

Botanical name for Melunak - Pentace spp.

Density kg/m3 dry 530 - 750
Hardness (janka) kN 7
Colour  Brown with a red or pink tinge
Finish Good
Stability  Good
Durability  Durable
Availability  Available