Meranti /Geronggang - Dressed All Round

Short Description:
Geronggang/Meranti is a mix of the shorea species imported from Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philipines. Colour ranges from a pale pink to a deeper red and can include grey colours. Texture is coarse and even and grain is often interlocked.
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Meranti - Shorea sp.

Geronggang - Cratoxylon arborescens

An imported timber from South East Asia. A red-grey hardwood with interlocked grain. Relatively easy to work, but can give a 'woolly cut' so sharp tools are necessary.   Because of its versatility, meranti is used in a variety of applications which include caravan building, door jambs, mouldings and commonly used in projects as a contrasting colour to the lighter timber species.

Density kg/m3 dry 400 - 640
Hardness (janka) kN 2.8
Colour - Heartwood Pale to mid red-brown
Colour - Sapwood Yellow, pink or grey and usually easily distinguishable
Finish Good
Stability  Good
Durability  Non-durable
Availability  Available