Clear Hoop Pine - Round Dowel

Round Dowel | Creative Timbers:
Round Dowel is available in a variety of diameters and machined in Clear Hoop Pine. Available in lengths of 1.8m or 2.4m. Select your preference below.
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Round Dowel is available in a variety of diameters and machined in Clear Hoop Pine - a softwood easy to join, connect, easy to work, turn and mould, superior to Pinus species and is totally safe. Being a versatile timber specie it is used in a variety of applications, such as plywood, furniture, joinery, flooring and panelling.

Density kg/m3 dry 530
Hardness (janka) kN 3.4
Colour - Heartwood Pale yellow-brown
Colour - Sapwood Almost white
Finish Excellent
Stability  Good
Durability  Non-durable
Availability  Available